The Drop №. 102 with Chase Hobby

The Drop №. 102 with Chase Hobby

VRB’s weekly list of things to read, watch, listen to, and try that have helped us live better and be better. Brought to you this week by Chase Hobby.

I’m a Ram by Al Green

Listen to I’m a Ram by Al Green. Better yet, listen to “I’m a Ram” radio on Spotify. Why you ask? Because this is very good music that should be in your rotation. It's that easy. Fun fact: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Al Green is also an active ordained pastor in Memphis, Tennessee. The more you know.

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Why the Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates to Deal With Inflation

Watch this Wall Street Journal explainer video titled, “Why the Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates to Deal With Inflation.” Unless you’ve been living under a rock or willingly ignoring the current economy (if this is you – hat tip), you’ll know that the Fed has been steadily raising interest rates to stamp out inflation. If you don’t really understand why or struggle to explain it to others, this video is for you. This quick video from the Wall Street Journal is the best "Explain it like I'm 5" summation we've seen of how and why it all happens.

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George Washington’s farewell address

Read George Washington’s farewell address. After his second, and final, term George Washington announced his decision not to seek a third term and offered this farewell address designed to inspire future generations and also to warn of the forces most likely to threaten the fledgling republic. Chief amongst those threats were geographic sectionalism and political factionalism which Washington feared carried the seeds of the nation’s destruction. If that sounds familiar, consider giving this a read and acting accordingly.

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Find your Geographic Antipode

Try finding your geographic antipode. Fun fact: if you dig from your position to the other side of the planet you will not find yourself in China. This map will show you where you'd pop out if you started digging. If you’re wondering how I found this one I’ve got one word for you: Kyrgyzstan.

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