The Drop №. 109 with Chase Hobby

VRB’s weekly list of things to read, watch, listen to, and try that have helped us live better and be better. Brought to you this week by Chase Hobby.

Log off, Turn in, Tune up

Listen to this Rich Roll podcast episode titled Log off, Turn in, Tune up. In this short pod, Roll reflects on our evolving and complicated relationship with the digital world, the importance of logging off, investing in analog experiences, and turning our attention instead to presence, growth, real connection, and bringing more conscious intentionality to our lives. This is a message we can get behind.
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The Philosophy of Driving Stick

Watch The Philosophy of Driving Stick. Somehow this six-minute video fires me up. I learned how to drive on a manual and the first couple of cars I had were stick. Somewhere in my 20’s I transitioned to automatic and I’ve been there ever since. I frequently daydream about going back to stick shift, and this video nails exactly why. When to shift? When it feels right. How much clutch? You’ll feel it. It’s where science meets art.
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The War of Art

Read The War of Art. This short read from Steven Pressfield is on my annual reading list. Consider it a succinct, engaging, and practical guide for succeeding in any creative sphere. Pressfield identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success. This simple, personal, and no-nonsense book will inspire you to seize the potential of your life.
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VRB Sleep Gummies

Try VRB’s new Sleep Gummies! VRB’s Sleep Gummies contain the most powerful, natural sleep ingredients available anywhere. This groundbreaking blend naturally eases body and mind to rest and supports you through all stages of sleep. Get to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up ready to get after it.
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