The Drop №. 117 with Chase Hobby
VRB’s weekly list of things to read, watch, listen to, and try that have helped us live better and be better. Brought to you this week by Chase Hobby.
Who do you love by Quicksilver Messenger Service
Listen to Who Do You Love by Quicksilver Messenger Service - an oldie, but goody. This song is ideal fodder for a roadtrip if you're into that kind of thing. Warning: listening to this too often may result in you wearing tight undershirts with a pack of cigarettes in the sleeve and buying an old motorcycle. Don't say I didnt warn you.
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The Civil War
Watch Ken Burns' documentary, The Civil War. This is the definitive documentary of the American Civil War covering everything from the early causes of the war through its aftermath. Having won over 40 film awards including two Grammys and two Emmys, this nine part series is the most watched PBS documentary of all time. Before you start the next season of whatever you're binging on Netflix, watch this.
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Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" Speech.
Read Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" Speech. Commonly known as the "man in the arena" speech due to its most famous passage, Roosevelt's address at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, is actually titled "Citizenship in a Republic." This speech is an incredible distillation of the requirements and duties of average citizens if a republic is to work in the long run. Read and ask yourself if you are doing your duty. Tomorrow's a new day and a golden opportunity to embody Roosevelt's ideal citizen!
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Improve Your AI Prompts
Try improving your AI prompts. If you want to get more out of AI tools like OpenAI’s GPT-3, you need to master the art of prompting. A prompt is a piece of text that tells the AI what you want it to do and how to do it. In this blog post from Ethan Mollick, you will discover some tips and tricks for writing effective prompts for AI. If for nothing else, you’ll know the best tips and tricks for addressing your new robot overlords when it hits the fan.
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