VRB's weekly intel drop of the tools, techniques, tactics, and procedures we've picked up on the path to an optimal life. Brought to you this week by VRB Co-founder Chase Hobby.
Listen to this “Art of Manliness” podcast titled “The Groundhog Day Roadmap for Changing Your Life”. “Groundhog Day” is a hilarious movie starring Bill Murray.
It's a hilarious movie in its own right and worth watching just for the entertainment value. What this podcast argues is that there's a lot to learn from it, namely, living a great life isn't predicated on where you're living or the money that you are, or the prestige or the titles. It's about spending time with people that you care about, treating them well, being treated well, and doing good for the people around you.
Watch the Netflix miniseries “How to Change Your Mind”. It's based on the book of the same name by Michael Pollan and is essentially about how certain plants can serve to mitigate depression, PTSD and a host of other issues. That goes for psychedelics, like LSD, and psilocybin, and mescaline.
The bottom line is that these compounds have been vilified for decades, but science is catching up and shedding light on a myriad of reasons to consider plant medicine as a viable tool in the kit. Certainly there are ways to abuse these these compounds - but they do have legitimate use cases.
Read “Ridgeline”. This book is about the Fetterman massacre in 1866. What happens when the U.S. Army rolls a battalion of soldiers right into the center of a Lakota hunting ground to build a fort? Hilarity does not ensue.
In a fictional adaptation of true historical events, the Sioux, Cheyenne and other tribes led by Red Cloud and Crazy Horse fought to dislodge the Army and maintain their way of life. You won't be able to put this one down.
Try limiting your screen time. I find myself reaching for my phone whenever I'm uncomfortable or when I'm working on a hard problem. My brain wants that dopamine and I know where to get it. This routine makes it impossible to truly concentrate, to say nothing of getting into flow states.
Try a 30 day challenge to start. First, turn your phone off during working hours and put it in a drawer far away from your workspace. Next, schedule phone time in a realistic way. For me, that’s two 20 minute periods across the morning and afternoon. Finally, log out of your go-to apps (Instagram I’m looking at you) so you need to log back in every time. Sound like a hassle? That’s the point.
Track your progress and stick with it for 30 days. If you do, send me an email and let me know how you feel and if you plan to continue beyond the 30 day challenge!