The Drop №. 91 with Chase Hobby

The Drop №. 91 with Chase Hobby

VRB’s weekly list of things to read, watch, listen to, and try that have helped us live better and be better. Brought to you this week by Chase Hobby.

The Dalai Lama's Guide to Happiness

Listen to the Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness. Seriously. This podcast series features Dan Harris flying to Dharamsala, India to spend two weeks in the orbit of the Dalai Lama to ask about practical strategies for thorny dilemmas, including: how to get along with difficult people; whether compassion can cut it in an often brutal world; why there is a self-interested case for not being a jerk; and how to create social connection in an era of disconnection. Very interesting.

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How to Use Your Phone So That It Doesn't Use You

Watch How to Use Your Phone So That It Doesn't Use You by Tim Ferriss. Having a computer in your pocket can be a good thing, but more often than not, it’s a distraction on a massive scale. Use these recommendations to set yourself up for success.

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How Having Fun Makes You Healthier and Smarter

Read How Having Fun Makes You Healthier and Smarter. Turns out science has weighed in on the benefits of having a good time and the news is…well… good. As the article title suggests, having fun can make you a healthier, smarter person with a higher probability of a long and happy life relative to your peers. Assuming you’re into that kind of thing, here are five scientifically proven ways to ramp up the fun in your life

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How to Make the Most of 24 Hours

Try making the most of your 24 hours. For all we know, we get one go at this life. Objectively, it makes zero sense to waste any of those days worrying about the small stuff or spending valuable hours on minutiae and yet, we all do it more often than not. Try incorporating these four techniques into your day for a week and see what that does for your mindset, productivity, and happiness.

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